Exercises to Improve Your Golf Game
Maintain proper golf fitness with these head-to-toe exercises and improve your game, strength, and agility.
Getting yourself motivated to exercise can be challenging, but it is one of the most essential habits to master for improving your game.
By running through a couple of routines a few times a week, your swing will improve, and you'll step onto the golf course feeling unstoppable in no time. Getting in shape is also critical for avoiding injuries like lower back pain, wrist sprains, and tweaked shoulders. Golf is a physical sport, so it's crucial to take care of your body.
Here's what you can do to make sure you're on your best game:
Perfect Your Golf Swing & Range of Motion
A golfer’s swing and stance can put them in an awkward position and affect their range of motion as they swing the club through the air. Stretching and practice swings are vital in helping to loosen their arms and movements. Exercises focused on increasing strength, stamina, and power make you physically stronger and can help improve the distance in which your ball travels. Players who need extra support can spend time at one of the area’s golf schools to perfect their technique and learn new tricks! The PGA Tour Superstore offers a Fitting Van Experience, which includes in-house repair services, lessons and clinics from certified teaching pros, and custom club fitting to ensure your swing is the best it can be.
Back Strains & Putting
Lower back strains are common for golfers, due to putting stances. The weight of the body rests on the lower back when bending over to make that crucial putt. Core strength is key for minimizing the pressure placed on the lower back. Think of yourself as a pendulum swinging back and forth with a rhythm and uncomplicated, easy motion. This will also help alleviate any additional stress to the lower back.
Practice Technique & Control
In addition to good exercise, technique and control are key to perfecting your golf game. The PGA TOUR Golf Academy at World Golf Village focuses on every aspect of the game and includes instruction on quality exercises that can help improve swings and putting technique.
Plan Your Visit
Practice your form and perfect your play here on Florida’s First Coast. For more information and to inquire about tee times and golf packages across Florida’s First Coast, contact us here. Are you a left-handed golfer looking for specific tips? Check out our blog with a wealth of resources and tips for lefty golfers.

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